Coach StephB welcome & intro

Hello & welcome!

Thanks so much for signing up for the Healthy Holiday Survival Guide!

I’m so excited to be on this journey to navigating a truly happy, healthy holiday season.

To get started:

After reading this & watching my little video go download your guide and read through it.

Inside you’ll find all of my best tips for managing stress, enjoying your favorite treats without overindulging, and learning how to stay in touch with your body during this often hectic time.

You’ll also find my 4-Day Post-Holiday Healthy Reset Plan with recipes, shopping list, suggested meals, Healthy Holidays Checklist, and Food & Self-love Journal: all the materials are there for you to download!

Next, be sure to follow the beFITbeFAB page on facebook for additional info and guidance from me, plus a community of other awesome people on the same path to better health. Once you’re in, introduce yourself to the group!


Get ready for your best holiday season yet. I can’t wait to get started!


Coach StephB

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